Dietitians Recommend These Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the human body, including energy creation, protein formation, and muscle movements. It’s vital for maintaining proper health, but unfortunately, many people don't get enough magnesium from their diet, leading to deficiencies. This has increased the popularity of magnesium supplements, which can help bridge the gap between our dietary intake and our body's needs.

These supplements come in various forms, including magnesium citrate, oxide, chloride, and glycinate, each catering to different health needs. For instance, magnesium citrate is often used for its laxative effect, while magnesium glycinate is preferred for its calming properties. Knowing the appropriate type of magnesium supplement is key to addressing specific health concerns effectively.

When choosing a magnesium supplement, it’s important to consider factors like bioavailability, which is the amount of magnesium your body can absorb and use, and any additional ingredients that might affect your health. The type of magnesium, dosage, and a product's quality and purity are also critical considerations to ensure safety and effectiveness.

We've dedicated hours to scrutinizing the myriad of magnesium supplements available, examining their types, benefits, usage recommendations, and what makes them stand out in a crowded market. This meticulous approach allows us to present you with a selection of the top magnesium supplements tailored to a variety of health needs and preferences.

Top 6 Magnesium Supplements for Optimal Health

Our comprehensive guide highlights the top magnesium supplements on the market, chosen for their quality, efficacy, and customer satisfaction. Magnesium plays a critical role in numerous bodily functions, and choosing the right supplement can help bridge the nutritional gaps in your diet, support bone health, aid in muscular function, and manage sleep and stress. We will also touch on the appropriate usage of these supplements to ensure you can make an informed decision that aligns with your health goals.

HTN Liquid Calcium & Magnesium

For those looking to support bone health with an all-in-one supplement, our experience with HTN Liquid Calcium & Magnesium has been positive due to its comprehensive blend and added vitamins.


  • Contains a well-rounded blend of six calcium sources and three magnesium forms for optimal absorption

  • Enhanced with Vitamin D3 for better calcium uptake and Vitamin K for additional bone and heart health support

  • Softgel form makes it easy to swallow despite the size


  • The large pill size may be challenging for those who have difficulty swallowing pills

  • Unflavored, which might not appeal to users who prefer flavored supplements

  • Some may find a 100-count bottle runs out quickly if multiple pills are required daily

Having recently included the HTN Liquid Calcium & Magnesium in our routine, we've noticed an increased sense of ease when managing our bone health. It's a welcome change to have a multifaceted supplement that not only simplifies our daily intake but also offers a comprehensive approach to bone strength and joint support due to its effective calcium and magnesium blend.

Our experience has been that this supplement fits seamlessly into our wellness regimen. The inclusion of vitamins D3 and K alongside calcium and magnesium is thoughtful and is a testament to HTN's commitment to synergistic formulation. As people who value convenience, the softgel form of this product is a subtle yet significant benefit.

Reflecting on the past weeks, we've found a sense of reassurance in knowing that we're taking a product that aligns with our health goals. It's not every day that we come across a supplement that feels tailored to our needs, supporting not only our bones and teeth but also our overall wellbeing, thanks to the comprehensive combination of essential nutrients within these softgels.

NatureBell Triple Mag

If you're searching for comprehensive magnesium support that caters to various bodily functions, we believe NatureBell's Triple Complex Magnesium hits the mark with its blend of magnesium forms.


  • A 3-in-1 formula that supports energy, joint, muscle, heart, and bone health.

  • Gentle on the stomach due to the chelated forms of magnesium.

  • 4-month supply in one bottle, providing good value.


  • Some may find the pill size larger than preferred.

  • Initial dosage may need to be adjusted.

  • May not suit those with specific allergies despite being non-GMO and free of many common allergens.

After giving NatureBell's Triple Complex Magnesium a try, the experience has been notably positive. The capsules are packed with a mixture of magnesium glycinate, citrate, and malate, covering different bases for maximum efficacy. We've felt an uptick in our daily energy and found it easier to keep up with our hectic schedules.

What also appealed to us was the emphasis on purity and absorption. These capsules are chelated, a process that binds magnesium to amino acids to enhance absorption. This also seems to cut down on stomach discomfort, a common issue with magnesium supplements. It's a great fit for those who value digestive ease.

We've been sleeping more soundly too, which is often a valued benefit of magnesium intake. Our muscles feel less tense, and overall, there's a sense of wellbeing that wasn't as pronounced before. We must say, keeping up with the daily intake gives us a sense of being proactive about our health.

However, it's worth noting that starting off with the recommended dosage might not suit everyone. It's wise to begin with a lower dose and gauge how your body responds. Some of us had to adjust the initial intake to avoid digestive issues. Also, if you have trouble swallowing pills, the size might be a bit imposing. Nonetheless, once you find your sweet spot with the dosage, the benefits do shine through.

Dilib Magnesium Drops

We find these magnesium drops are a solid choice for anyone seeking a comprehensive magnesium supplement with added benefits for stress relief and sleep support.


  • Pleasant pineapple taste makes for an enjoyable ingestion experience

  • Combination of magnesium forms (Glycinate, Citrate, Malate) enhances overall absorption

  • Includes L-Theanine and Ashwagandha for additional relaxation and stress relief


  • Dropper design may be inconvenient, leading to difficulty in getting the right dosage

  • May cause drowsiness, which requires timing the intake appropriately

  • Liquid form might not suit those who prefer traditional capsules or pills

Magnesium is essential, and we've been pleasantly surprised with how the Dilib Magnesium Drops cater to this need. The pineapple flavor is quite palatable, deviating from the often unappetizing taste of dietary supplements. The liquid form turned out to be a fuss-free way to up my magnesium intake, simply by adding a few drops to water or directly under my tongue.

It's not just about the magnesium, though. The formulation with L-Theanine and Ashwagandha is quite a smart move. These ingredients have helped us manage day-to-day stress levels more efficiently. The calmness settles in gradually, which has led to more tranquil nights and restorative sleep.

However, we've got some gripes with the dropper. Sometimes it’s a challenge to get to the last drop, and the drowsiness effect means we have to be strategic about when to take it—definitely not a midday supplement for us. Those who are not fond of liquid supplements may miss their capsules, but for everyone else, it's a refreshing change of pace.

Organixx Mag7

We found the Organixx Mag7 to be a solid choice for those seeking a high-absorption magnesium supplement with multiple forms for various health benefits.


  • Offers seven highly bioavailable forms of magnesium

  • Includes Vitamin B6 and manganese for enhanced absorption and additional health benefits

  • Non-GMO and free from artificial additives and common allergens


  • Only a 30 day supply, which means frequent reordering

  • Some users may find the capsule size difficult to swallow

  • Effectiveness varies depending on individual biochemistry and may not suit everyone

Upon trying Organixx Mag7, the first thing we noticed was the ease with which we could incorporate it into our daily routine. Getting ample magnesium can sometimes be a challenge through diet alone, and this supplement helps bridge that gap. With its blend of seven types of magnesium, each capsule works synergistically to support our body's needs, from muscle recovery to sleep support.

The co-factors, Vitamin B6 and manganese citrate, are standout additions. They aren't just filler; they actually contribute to the high bioavailability of the magnesium, which we believe plays a significant role in the effectiveness of this product. Since we started using this supplement, there's been a noticeable improvement in our sleep quality and post-exercise recovery.

It's reassuring to know that Organixx Mag7 is manufactured with a commitment to purity. In a market flooded with options, knowing that what we are ingesting is free from GMOs and unnecessary additives gives us peace of mind. It's clear the company has given thought to the overall formulation, and we appreciate the clean approach.

In conclusion, if you're on the market for a magnesium supplement that goes beyond the basics, Organixx Mag7 is worth considering. While results may vary, the high-quality blend and attention to absorption-enhancing co-factors set it apart in a crowded field.

BioEmblem Magnesium Complex

If you're looking for a strong solution to support muscle, nerve, and energy levels, consider BioEmblem Triple Magnesium Complex.


  • Optimal absorption due to high-quality chelated forms of magnesium

  • Positive effects on muscle and nerve function

  • Non-GMO, vegan-friendly, and third-party tested for purity


  • Some may find the capsules large to swallow

  • Beginners may need to adjust dosage if sensitivity occurs

  • The price point could be a bit higher than some other brands

Magnesium participates in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. We tried BioEmblem's Magnesium Complex and appreciated that it contains three types of magnesium—Glycinate, Malate, and Citrate. Each form targets different health aspects, and the variety ensures comprehensive benefits. We've noticed a promotion in muscle relaxation and more restful sleep since incorporating this specific blend into our regimen.

The company's commitment to quality and purity is evident, and it's a relief to know the product undergoes rigorous third-party testing. We didn't experience any stomach discomfort, a common issue with less premium magnesium supplements. Plus, its vegan, non-GMO credentials make it a great choice for health-conscious individuals.

One of the minor setbacks could be the capsule size, which some of us found a bit difficult to swallow. But with a little bit of water, it wasn't a significant hinderance. As a tip for new users, finding the ideal dosage may be a bit of trial and error. It might be wise to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it to give your body time to adjust.

Overall, our experience with the BioEmblem Magnesium Complex was very positive. Its benefits have made a noticeable impact on our overall wellbeing. We believe it's a superior option for those looking to cover all their bases with their magnesium supplementation.

Solgar Magnesium & B6

We highly recommend Solgar Magnesium with Vitamin B6 for its potent combination of bone health and energy metabolism support.


  • Promotes bone health and calcium absorption

  • Enhances muscle and nerve function

  • Supports energy metabolism and mood


  • Tablets may be large to swallow for some

  • Not flavored, which might be a preference for certain users

  • Price point may be higher than other magnesium supplements

After beginning our regimen with Solgar's Magnesium and Vitamin B6 supplement, we noticed a discernible improvement in our overall bone health. Its ability to aid in calcium absorption and bolster bone mineralization became apparent. We appreciated how it seamlessly integrated into our daily routine, becoming a cornerstone of our health regimen.

Our muscles and nerves seemed to function more fluidly, suggesting the magnesium was indeed doing its job. The added Vitamin B6 was an unexpected boon, as we observed a subtle yet significant uptick in our energy levels. We felt equipped to tackle our daily tasks with an enhanced sense of vitality.

Moreover, the emotional support this supplement provided was subtle but appreciated; a steadier mood has become the new normal for us. Frequently overlooked, the impact of essential vitamins and minerals on our emotional well-being cannot be understated, and Solgar's product definitely delivered in this aspect.

Admittedly, we had to adjust to the tablet size initially, but it was a minor inconvenience relative to the benefits. The unflavored nature of the tablets might deter those who are accustomed to flavored options, but for us, the absence of artificial sweeteners was a plus. Lastly, while the price might be a bit steep, the quality and comprehensive benefits justify the cost in our experience.

Buying Guide

Identifying Your Needs

Before purchasing a magnesium supplement, it's important to understand why you're seeking it. Are you looking to improve sleep, enhance bone health, or address magnesium deficiency? Pinpointing your specific health goal will steer you toward the right type of magnesium.

Forms of Magnesium

Different forms of magnesium are absorbed differently by the body. Here's a simple breakdown:

  • Magnesium Citrate: Good for constipation

  • Magnesium Glycinate: Ideal for sleep and stress

  • Magnesium Oxide: Common but not as well absorbed

  • Magnesium Chloride: May be better for detox and kidney function

  • Magnesium L-Threonate: Often recommended for cognitive function


The proper dosage depends on your individual needs and daily nutritional intake. To avoid overconsumption, you should compare your dietary magnesium intake with the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).

Age/Gender RDA Adult Men 400-420 mg Adult Women 310-320 mg

Purity and Quality

You must scrutinize labels for any additives or artificial ingredients that you may want to avoid. Third-party testing and certifications, such as NSF or USP, indicate that a product meets high purity standards.


We should aim for supplements with high bioavailability, meaning our bodies can absorb the magnesium effectively. Chelated forms of magnesium, like glycinate and threonate, typically offer higher bioavailability.

Considering these factors, we can confidently select a magnesium supplement that aligns with our health goals and adheres to our standards for quality and efficacy.

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